Oil, Gas & Energy

The mining, petroleum refining and Energy production industry are characterized by high risk complex procedures.
For these reasons ISE is equipped with specific instrumentation and training to help improve reliability and prevent breakages inside oil and gas extraction sites, refineries and LNG (liquefied natural gas), thermoelectric power plants, and hydroelectric power plants and incinerators.
PdM, Condition Monitoring
ISE’s condition monitoring services in the Oil & Gas and Energy industry are performed with a high professional standards and expertise tank to the specific training of the technicians and the knowhow and the experience gained through the collaboration with the leading companies in the business.
Reliability, Maintenance Management
ISE’s activities regarding Reliability and maintenance management aim to upgrade the availability of production plants e reduce maintenance costs.
The most important aspect of ISE’s consultancy project is to insure that at least 10-15% of activities are concentrated in classroom training and focused on an 85-90% on onsite coaching and on the job guidance.
The aspect that defines ISE’s projects its strength is: not only to be able to advice or instruct procedures that can be heavy going on work procedures, but work on site next to the clients resources to help implement a Reliable Maintenance Management till the decisive phases.
ISE uses a Reliability Assessment to analyze maintenance performances and develop improvement processes in the different organization fields.