Electric motor testing

Damages to the supply circuit, the winding insulation, to the rotor or stator of an electric motor. Inverter faults, power quality problems, harmonic presence or voltage and current imbalance. Anomalies that are not always visible, not even with normal predictive technology techniques but are identified systematically by electric measures performed following the PdMA Corporation methodology.
ISE is able to offer diagnosis and measurement services, on motors, alternators and electric circuits, with advanced monitoring equipment that simplifies and reduces time and cost of periodic monitoring and fault research based on traditional techniques.

One of the main advantages of the electric measurements performed by ISE gives the chance to verify the condition of your electric motor during its normal functioning evaluating the condition of the stator, the rotor and other critical elements without interfering with the plants functioning conditions. During the plant’s scheduled stoppages , it is possible to perform more specific checks, comparing the static and dynamic measures to have a complete scenario of the motor and generator condition under exam.