Non-Destructive Test (NDT)

Non-Destructive Tests (NDT) consist of a series of measurements that do not alter the material under examination and allow the identification of any surface, subsurface and internal defects in the materials.
The NDT techniques have the peculiarity of being able to be carried out on metallic and non-metallic materials, on components of simple and complex geometry, they do not affect the morphological characteristics of the material and do not require the destruction or removal of samples of the component under examination.
The NDT services that ISE offers, carried out by UNI EN ISO 9712 certified personnel, are the following:
- Visual inspections
- Penetrant liquids
- Ultrasonic checks
- Magnetoscopy

In addition to these services, ISE, in collaboration with a specialized Partner, offers a series of specific tests (Advanced Non-Destructive Testing) that aim to detect the morphological characteristics of materials (chemical / physical and mechanical analyzes), including:
- Experimental survey of mechanical stresses (on site and remotely)
- Verification of fatigue damage on metal components using strain gauge techniques
- Measurement of residual stresses by means of strain gauge and / or diffractometric techniques
- Digital acquisition of the surface morphology
- Measurement of hardness and roughness
- Failure analysis
- Specific laboratory tests: X-ray diffractography (XRD) for the determination of the Crystalline structure of materials, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), chemical determination of components by energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS)