Remote diagnostic

Compressors, turbines, gearboxes, fans, wind turbines and other critical rotating machines often present the need for continuous monitoring of their operating condition in order to prevent major failures. Through these monitoring activities it is possible to suggest the most suitable decisions regarding the necessary maintenance interventions.
Thanks to the availability of cutting-edge technologies and a specially designed control room, ISE offers a continuous remote monitoring service that allows you to keep various parameters under control:
- Vibrations
- Angular speed
- Torsional torque
- Temperature
- Condition of lubricating oil
- Electrical quantities (voltages, currents, etc.)
- Visual and thermographic images
- Other physical quantities

By choosing an online solution for vibration control, sensors are applied to specific points of the machine and are permanently installed and connected, by means of signal cables, to data acquisition systems, in turn connected to the ISE Remote Monitoring & Diagnostic control center.
Subsequently ISE engineers, certified by the Vibration Institute, remotely archive the data, compare and process them, issuing diagnoses and recommendations, or a summary of what has been found and what is advisable to do.
ISE offers the most advanced technologies and methodologies for remote monitoring, diagnostics, in-depth analysis of potential failures and the residual lifetime of the asset in question.