Videoendoscopic inspection

Visual inspection is one of the most effective techniques for preventing failures, but it is not always sufficient. Where the human eye cannot reach, modern video-endoscopy equipment allows us to look at the most inaccessible points such as the inside of the reducers, the exchangers, the turbines, the bearings, the pipes, etc.
ISE has state-of-the-art equipment, capable of acquiring images and videos of excellent quality, which the experience and preparation of ISE technicians allow to elaborate in precise and accurate analysis of defects and damage, releasing diagnoses and recommendations to the Customer which are a summary of what has been analyzed and how it is recommended to proceed. The management by ISE does not bind the Customer for charges, obstacles or additional activities: he simply receives the report containing the recommendation, which enables him to decide how and when to plan the maintenance intervention.

Through the use of a video-endoscope it is possible to identify in advance the onset of wear phenomena on the gear wheels of a reducer, corrosion or obstruction phenomena inside exchangers, and many other anomalies, without the need to disassemble the equipment.